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Who is Murphy Inc.?

Robin: Hey, that's me! I'm the creator of Life's Little ironies, and will most likely be found in many strips to come. O__o

Clyde: Also known as Divinity, Clydes pastimes include: Lighting himself on fire, knocking himself unconscious, saying incredibly profound things at the strangest moments, playing video games, and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.

Kevin: Our resident keebler elf. Kevins hobbies include: Roughhousing, running around butt nekkid, and seeing how many assprints can fit on a 2-door coupe.

Nick: The sarcastic level-head of Murphy Inc. Nick can always be counted on for wise-cracking wit, and the ability to have objects fall through time and space just to hit him in the head.

Various extras: Various people that entered the lives of Murphy Inc. All of these people have touched our lives in some way. Now they just have to figure out how to get rid of us......

Ok, so what is Life's Little Ironies about?

Well, one night, I was pretty bored. A friend of mine somehow managed to convince me to start a webcomic. So Life's Little Ironies was born. But where did the idea come from? In high school, I hung out with a crazy little group. All of us were highly accident prone, and highly imaginative. Which you will see, makes for an interesting combination. Life's Little Ironies is just what it says. It's about the irony in everyday life. Many of the events in these pages have happened in real life. Some haven't. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which are real, and which aren't! ;) Please bear with me, as the comic style will most likely go through several evolutions in the course of its running. *shrugs* Artists, right?
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